Today I´m thankful for:
- my eyes to see the beauty of nature - colorful autumn leaves, sunsets, squirrels collecting food for winter, a deer hiding behind trees ...
- my ears to hear the bubbling stream, the noise of autumn leaves, the bird`s singing and the waves of the sea...
- my skin to feal soft animal fur, rain drops on my face, rough and smooth tree burks and soft mosses...
- my nose to smell the forest after a rainy day, the pleasant smell of cyclamen, the freshly mowed grass...
- my tongue to taste sweet forest berries, baked chestnut ...
- my arms and legs to walk the beautiful trails, run across the fields and climb the trees...
- my heart and soul so that all these little things can deeply touch me...
- and most importantly, my family, because with my family all this moments are even more beautiful.
Po deževnem septembru imamo končno lepo, sončno jesensko vreme, ki kar kliče po dolgih sprehodih. Ali ni narava čudovita?
Danes sem hvaležna za:
- oči, da vidim lepote narave - pisano jesensko listje, sončne zahode, veverice, ki si nabirajo ozimnico, srno, ki se plašno skriva za drevesom in me opazuje...
- za ušesa, da slišim žuborenje potočka, šumenje jesenskega listja, ptičje petje in valovanje morja...
- za kožo, da čutim mehko dlako živali, dežne kapljice na obrazu, raskavo skorjo dreves in puhaste blazinice mahu...
- za nos, da duham gozd po dežju, prijeten vonj ciklam, pa sveže pokošeno travo...
- za jezik, da okusim sladke gozdne jagode, pečen kostanj in mošt...
- za noge in roke, da lahko hodim po čudovitih poteh in tekam čez polja ter plezam na drevesa
- za srce in dušo, da se me vse te majhne stvari tako globoko dotaknejo
- in najpomembneje, za družino, ker so z njo vsi ti trenutki še lepši.
Linking up with
Tankful Thursday
Little Things Thursday
Skywatch Friday
Beautiful nature shots!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for this, nothing comes close to nature and sharing it with family is one of lifes great pleasures.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHello, lovely images! You captured the beauty! Nature is grand, thanks for sharing. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWonderful nature shots! Gorgeous scenery! Yes, so much to be thankful for. And I love the cow.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAll wonderful thoughts and photos for our fine tuned autumn senses. I'm not so sure about taking a whiff around that cow though, I'm pretty sure no good smells have come from a field of cows.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWonderful post - you expressed my feelings in many ways.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou have a wonderful way with words. I wish I did as well....beautiful...Michelle
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch lovely thoughts and images. Thank-you! xx Karen
OdgovoriIzbriši...yes nature is beautiful and you have showcased some delightful scenes!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour nature shots are so love and that cow!! I love it! Thank you for linking up today and have a great weekend!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful images and writing. Enjoyed every photo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful photos and accompanying words. Enjoy your weekend!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat's a wonderful gratitude list and your photos are very beautiful.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful photos of what you are thankful for.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat third shot is exceptional
What lovely shots.